1) Select the TechRequest icon on your iPad home screen. This can also be accessed via the Classlink app (select FreshService (Tech Helpdesk) icon).
2) When prompted, enter district email then select Next. Enter district password then select sign in.
3) The ticket form will appear. Fill/Verify fields (red asterisk means required) accordingly then select Submit.
-Search a Requester = This should be your district email (already filled)
-Subject = Enter necessary information about issue using fewest words as possible (minor description).
-Description = Enter description of issue as detailed as possible.
-Location = Which school/building is the problem/issue located.
-Room = Room/Office number.
-Due Date (optional) = Enter desired due date if time sensitive.
-Associate Asset = Entering asset tag of the problem device(s) will help Tech Services when troubleshooting.
4) You will then receive a page with your ticket information and a place to respond/add information to the ticket also with the status of your ticket. You will also get email notifications.
For future reference, submitted tickets can be viewed by selecting the icon containing three horizontal lines then selecting Tickets.