1) Log in to Classlink then select the FreshService (Tech Helpdesk) icon.  Instructions to access Classlink (KIBSD Apps in KIBSD Website), can be referred to by clicking here.  Links are also available in this step.

2) When prompted, enter District Email address then select Next.  After that, enter District Password then select Sign In.

3) The ticket form will appear.  Fill/Verify fields (red asterisk means required) accordingly then select Submit.

-Search a Requester = This should be your district email (already filled)

-Subject = Enter necessary information about issue using fewest words as possible (minor description).

-Description = Enter description of issue as detailed as possible.

-Location = Which school/building is the problem/issue located.

-Room = Room/Office number if applicable.  Recommended to enter for tech services to locate problem/issue.

-Due Date (optional) = Enter desired due date if time sensitive.

-Associate Asset = Entering asset tag of the problem device(s) will help Tech Services when troubleshooting.

4) Once ticket has been submitted, you will see the status of your ticket(s) and able to add information/reply to if need be.