1) Log in to Informacast via informacast.kibsd.org.  See instructions here just in case.

2) In the Informacast home page, go to Notifications (1) > Message Templates (2) to show message templates.  Select Edit (3) to adjust settings for desired template (Bell).

3) Name the Ring List then select Audio for bell sound(s).

4) For bells, it is recommended to set one of the default tones but a short audio file can be attached if need be.  One of the default tones will be used for these instructions.  Select Recorded then select an alert tone from the drop-down.  Select the Play button to preview the sound.

5) Select scope/recipients for ring list.  Only scope will have this ring list as an option.  Minimum for scope is to select/verify Device Groups then select your school device group.  Save template when finished.